The last few days have been very busy! Carly had her first outpatient speech rehab on Friday. The therapist was very encouraging and feels that Carly will certainly talk again. She also thinks that Carly will have a very high recovery level, but that it’s just a matter of time. Friday afternoon Janie, Carly, Noah, and Abi returned to Cedar City to help with the last garage sale on Saturday and work on packing up the remaining things in the house to move to storage. We have been working hard to de-junk and pair down the house so that we can fit in a smaller space in the future.
We weren’t sure how Carly would do traveling, but she did great! She had a wonderful time in Cedar City and seemed very glad to be seeing some new faces. She especially enjoyed seeing Tripp and Thy! Her personality is really starting to come back, and she’s starting to laugh again.
On Saturday night, Jane Wood, Janie’s Mother, fell and broke her hip and fractured a wrist. Janie is in Memphis right now with her parents. Mimi (is what the kids call Jane) is not a candidate for surgery because she is so frail, her bones are so brittle and her mental status is so jumbled. So right now it’s just a waiting game to see what happens. They have brought in hospice care, and Janie is staying with Lewis, her father.
This coming weekend (the 25th) is the big moving day in Cedar City. Katie is leaving tomorrow to drive from Los Angeles to Cedar City to help finish packing and get the move started. Carl and the kids will drive out Friday afternoon after school, and Saturday everything will be moved from the house to a storage unit. After the move has started on Saturday, Katie will leave to return to Los Angeles with Gizmo and Izzy (the two cats), who will stay with her until the Mimstribe has a permanent place to stay in Salt Lake City. A few days later, Katie will return to Salt Lake City to celebrate Carly’s 23rd Birthday on October 1st! As you can see, there is a lot going on, and it looks as though the Mimstribe will continue to be scattered between three states off and on for the next few weeks.
We thank God daily for the miracle of Carly, and the unbelievable recovery she has experienced so far. Pray for her continued rehab and for all the logistics to work out with Janie being out of town and the family moving without her help. Please also pray that Mimi (Jane) would be comfortable, and for safe travels for everyone.