Today Carly is doing well. She has had her usual round of therapies, and tomorrow they are taking her on her first trip off hospital property! They will take her for a walk in the park, and then to Barnes & Noble, across the street, with the recreation therapist, Kris. Carly loves Kris! It should be great for her to get off the hospital grounds and be able to go and do something.
Today she received another package from one of her best friends, Kelly Stanton. Kelly has been pictured in a few photos on the site before and was Carly’s roommate when she was living in Tampa and going to the Aveda Institute. She is pictured above with Carly, on her wedding day this past spring. Kelly sent Carly a great outfit, and a wonderful photo of herself and her husband Jeremy, who has also been friends with Carly and the Mimstribe for a long time. Receiving the photo was very emotional for Carly, and she has gotten up from her bed several times just to go look at it, and she always smiles. It is hanging right next to the photo that Abby and Justin Nelson sent her!
Janie is currently driving back to Salt Lake City, and Carl will head to Cedar City with Noah and Abi once she arrives. We have wonderful friends and neighbors that have volunteered to take care of the cats for the next few weeks, so Katie has decided to wait on her trip to Cedar City since picking up the cats was one of the main purposes of her trip. She has had a very long week at work and is fighting a cold. Katie will most likely go to Cedar City to help finish packing in two weeks when she is on hiatus, and then spend some time in Salt Lake City with the entire family.