Carly is continuing to improve in small ways each day. Tuesday afternoon is the care meeting for the rehab staff, where all the caregivers and doctors discuss their patients and long-term plans are made. The outcome of the meeting was a recommendation to keep Carly for 7-10 more days. They believe there is still major progress to be made on the therapy side, and want to make sure that her meds and eating are fully stabilized before they release her. That is great news, since they are so pleased with her progress, and believe there is more just around the corner!
The past two days Carly has shown more personality in every way! She is gesturing more. At breakfast, she was tired of eggs. And instead of thumbs down for no, she raised one side of her lip – Elvis style. A typical Carly face! She also did that a few more times when Carl offered her a jelly donut, and she broke out laughing and giggling. Later in the afternoon, Noah was talking too much, and she gave him that special finger gesture, which caught everyone by surprise! She started laughing so hard she couldn’t contain herself and went from the couch to the bed just rolling around and laughing! You had to be there, but it was truly great to see her personality back!
This is a packing weekend. Janie drove back to Cedar City yesterday afternoon to organize things. Carl, Noah, and Abi will drive down to Cedar City on Friday after school to spend the weekend packing boxes and getting ready to store/move everything. Janie will return to Salt Lake City Friday afternoon, to be with Carly for the weekend. Katie will be driving from LA to Cedar City to help pack and take Gizmo and Izzy (our two cats) back to live with her in LA for awhile.
We thank God every day for the miracle of Carly and all the many blessings that have been showered on her and the Mimstribe. The outpouring of every one of our family, friends, friends of friends…it has all been so unbelievable and so important to us. Pray for Carly’s continued rehab and safe travels for everyone on the road this weekend.